Category: Service Status

  • [Monitoring] IMAP and POP access issues

    We are currently experiencing intermittent IMAP and POP access issues and our system administrators are investigating the cause. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. UPDATE 24.11.2022 18:30 CET (12:30 PM EST): We have adjusted authentication database configurations to increase the capacity of the authentication service, and we expect this to help prevent further access issues […]

  • [Resolved] IMAP access issues

    We are currently experiencing IMAP and POP access issues and are investigating what is causing these. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. UPDATE 18:45 CEST: We are restarting IMAP related services and expect access to be restored shortly. UPDATE 20:00 CEST: We are still investigating the issue which appears to be caused by excessive traffic. […]

  • [Resolved] Netherlands – access issues

    We have had reports from customer in the Netherlands that they are unable to access our services unless they use a VPN. We’ve looked in to this and it looks like an issue either with an ISP in that region or our own ISP. We have raised this issue with our own ISP and will […]

  • [Resolved] CalDAV, CardDAV and associated web services unavailable

    Currently CalDAV and CardDAV services are unavailable. This also affects the web-based calendar and contacts features in Runbox 7 as they read data from those services. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Update: An automatic update to the Apache web server software caused a problem with the services’ connection to the databases that store data for […]

  • [Resolved] Main website pages unavailable

    We’re aware that pages beyond the front page of our website at are currently unavailable. We’re looking in to what is causing this and will update this status post when we know more. Update: An automatic update to the Apache web server software caused a problem with the services’ connection to the databases that […]

  • [Resolved] Support Website Unavailable

    Our customer support website at is currently unavailable. We’re investigating why this is and will resolve the situation as soon as possible. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  • [Resolved] Service access issues

    We are currently investigating access issues affecting IMAP, POP, SMTP, and web. UPDATE 00:25 CEST: We are experiencing issues with a central database server and are continuing investigations. UPDATE 00:30 CEST: A central database server was halted and we are analyzing logs to find out what caused it. UPDATE 00:40 CEST: After reviewing logs we […]

  • [Resolved] Maintenance and email service unavailability April 17, 2022

    As part of routine storage integrity monitoring we will perform preventative hardware maintenance on an email storage unit on Sunday 17th April. After necessary preparations the downtime will begin between 10 and 11 CEST (4 and 5 AM EST; 1 and 2 AM PST), and is planned to last 30-60 minutes. Incoming email will be […]

  • [Resolved] IMAP/POP Access Issues

    There are currently some IMAP/POP issues for some customers. We are looking in to the exact cause of this, but it looks like it could be a brute force attack on our servers. We will update this post when we have further information. UPDATE 20:00 CEST: We are working to block the brute-force attacks against […]

  • [Resolved] IMAP/POP Access

    Some customers are experiencing problems with IMAP/POP access and we are investigating this. We will update this post when we know more. Sorry for the inconvenience this is causing. UPDATE 12:15 CET: We are continuing investigations and restarting various services in order to fully restore access and stabilize the situation. UPDATE 07.02.2022 18:30 CET: The […]