Category: Service Status

  • [Monitoring] DDoS attack

    We are currently experiencing some problems with our service that may be due to a DDoS attack. We are investigating and will post an update here when we know more. Update 22-Oct-2021 18:10 CEST – The confirmed DDoS attack has meant that some of our services are currently unavailable. We are continuing to monitor the […]

  • [Resolved] Certificate/Security Warnings

    Following the changes made by the Let’s Encrypt organization to their SSL/TLS certificates some users have reported problems with their email programs when connecting to Runbox’ email servers (see Therefore we are now replacing the Let’s Encrypt certificates for and related subdomains for IMAP, POP, and SMTP services to certificates issues by the Norwegian SSL […]

  • [Resolved] IMAP/POP Access

    One of our IMAP/POP servers is currently experiencing some problems and this is causing access issues for a number of customers. We will continue to look in to this further and apologise for the inconvenience. Update 14:56 CEST: This issue has now been resolved. Apologies again for any inconvenience caused.

  • [Resolved] Service Issues

    In the last hour there has been service issues that have affected the majority of Runbox services. We’re looking in to the detail of what caused this and will post an update later. Sorry about the inconvenience caused. Updated 24-Sep-2021 10:17 CEST: It has been confirmed that the outage was caused by a DDoS attack […]

  • [Resolved] IMAP and SMTP access issues

    We are currently experiencing issues with IMAP and SMTP access. We are working to resolve the problem and apologize for any inconvenience caused. UPDATE 15:45 CEST: Access is restored after restarting IMAP proxy services.

  • [Resolved] Service Disruption

    We are currently experiencing connectivity issues with our services and are investigating the issue. We apologize for the inconvenience caused. UPDATE 07:10 CEST: We suspect a network issue and are continuing to investigate. UPDATE 07:25 CEST: We have located the problem to the authentication service and are attempting to restart the service on the servers […]

  • [Scheduled] Web Server Upgrade

    On Thursday July 8 at approximately 15:00 CEST we will be performing an upgrade that requires all web servers to be restarted. We do not expect the disruption to last more than a few minutes, and it will affect our webmail services only. UPDATE 15:30 CEST: We are experiencing problems with the web server upgrade […]

  • [Ongoing] Webmail service upgrade

    On Thursday June 3 at 12:00 CEST we will be performing an upgrade of the webmail service’s backend. The upgrade involves moving the part of the webmail service that is responsible for accessing data to new and dedicated servers, and will improve the performance of the webmail without itself changing any of its features. We […]

  • New: NodePing Service Status Page

    We are trialling more use of NodePing which is a service that automatically and independently monitors access to our services and reports them via a page hosted on their servers. You can access that page at the link below. NodePing Detailed Service Status Page

  • [Resolved] DNS Issue

    At around 19:10 CET there was a brief period during which there was a DNS issue that caused our services to be unreachable.  We apologise for this interruption to our services.